BCHS Expectations and Policies
BCHS Policies and Expectations
I will attend school daily, and on time. I understand that if I am late without a doctor’s note, court appearance or social services appointment documentation, I should be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
I understand that I might not be permitted to enter the school if I arrive after 10:00 AM, unless my official schedule indicates that I start later.
I will contact my guidance counselor/social worker if I am absent from school. In order to be excused from school, I must have a doctor’s note, court appearance or social services appointment documentation.
A parent conference and/or home visit might be conducted after several unexcused absences.
Upon entering the school, I must place my electronic(s)in the Yondr Pouch. Electronics include, but are not limited to, cell phone(s), headphones, and smart watches.
If I violate the school’s electronic policy, I will lose my privileges, and my phone will be collected each day, per the electronics memorandum.
Non-emergency appointments must be made for after school hours, on weekends or school holidays.
I must provide the school with any changes in address or phone numbers.
I will not engage in bullying or harassing behavior.
I will not engage in fighting on and off school grounds. Furthermore, physical and/or verbal threats will not be tolerated.
I will not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances. If found to be under the influence, I will be evaluated by the school nurse. A parent will have to pick you up. If a parent is unavailable, EMS will be called.
I must follow the laws established by the City and State governments, including the use of or the possession of weapons, drugs, alcohol, and/or vaping devices while on school property, and when participating in school-sponsored trips and events.
Bathrooms are closed the first and last ten minutes of each period. You will also not be able to access the water coolers during these times.
I will adhere to the School’s dress code policy.
I must remain with my teacher/class during an evacuation. I cannot go to the store or elsewhere.
I understand that bikes, scooters, roller skates/blades, and skateboards are not permitted in the building. The school is not responsible for items left outside of the building.
I understand that an alternative school setting will be considered if and when I do not improve my attendance and/or grades after each semester.